Invest In Your Brand

Your Chamber membership already benefits your business. Now let us show you how investing in a Chamber sponsorship helps your company’s brand.

Your Chamber membership is essential to your customers, as well. A national study conducted by The Schapiro Group, an Atlanta-based market research firm, found when business decision-makers believe that a business is a chamber member, they are

  • 37 percent more likely to think favorably of the company
  • 58 percent more likely to think positively of its local reputation
  • 59 percent more likely to buy goods and services from it

The Greater Marathon Chamber of Commerce has a sponsorship for you, and, if not listed below, we’ll work with you to custom create one to reach your target audience. Sponsorships for 2019 are going fast! Put your name on a valued Chamber event or program today. Contact Us at 305-743-5417 for more info and assistance.

Bakery Business Owner in Front of Freshly baked bread
Young woman doing work on her laptop while sitting on the floor

Promotional Sponsorships

New Member Welcome Packet Sponsorships – $1,000 annually
The Greater Marathon Chamber of Commerce welcomes about 60-100 new members a year. Once a business joins, they receive their New Member Packet containing information on member-benefits, a list of fellow chamber members, etc. New Member Packet Sponsors will be highly visible to a steady stream of potential new customers by having their promotional materials or a personal note from your company in each New Member Packet. The program is limited to five (5) paid sponsors. Sponsors will get “right of first refusal” in successive years.

“Official Marathon Visitor & Newcomer Guide” — Official Chamber Guide & Membership Directory
The Official Chamber Visitor/Welcome Guide and Directory is produced annually and distributed free of charge to visitors as well as newcomers/individuals and businesses locating to the Greater Marathon area. The publication is a full color, glossy production that offers members a reasonably priced color advertising opportunity in a release that is viewed by thousands of people every year. We print about 30,000 hard copies, and our guide is available to free digital download via our website.

For more info please contact us / 305-743-5417.


Event Sponsorships

Get more for your investment. Sponsorship with the Greater Marathon Chamber of Commerce is an excellent way to economically market & promote your business or organization. Each sponsorship provides unique ways to promote your business or organization before and during the event. 

Monthly Membership Luncheons

$600 sponsorship fee – (event dates are typically the third Tuesday of the month and sponsorships are available on a first-come, first-served basis.)

Sponsorship Benefits:

  • Your business will be recognized as the official sponsor of said luncheon
  • A company representative will be permitted to speak for 5 minutes to member guests
  • Space permitting we will hang a 2x6ft banner at the luncheon location
  • Space permitting you can set up a booth space to display information about your business’s products and services
  • Display flyers, business cards, etc. at guests table settings

Contact Us (305-743-5417) to secure your luncheon sponsorship, thank you.

Original Marathon Seafood Festival Sponsorships

Our annual event that attracts more than 18,000 visitors and FL Keys residents alike! One of the largest and longest-running events in the FL Keys with a great track record and history of success. Put your business in front of our event guests, website visitors t promote your business, products, and services.

Click Here for sponsorship opportunities.

Fry cooks at the seafood festival